directly opposite

美 [dəˈrektli ˈɑːpəzɪt]英 [dəˈrektli ˈɒpəzɪt]
  • 正对面
directly oppositedirectly opposite
  1. I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite .


  2. He lives directly opposite the church .


  3. Never start the engine while standing directly opposite the grass discharge .


  4. My house is directly opposite the store !


  5. Five o'clock in the afternoon , the sun was directly opposite my face .


  6. Mrs summer was seated at the table directly opposite her husband .


  7. It was lovely sitting directly opposite you .


  8. Directly opposite the king were two doors . They were side by side , exactly alike .


  9. Can you see where the grammar books are ? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite .


  10. The school sits directly opposite Beijing No 4 high school , an elite establishment respected by students and parents alike .


  11. As one of the most important schools of thoughts on modern history of China , the New-Confucianism is directly opposite to Marxism .


  12. The guest of honor will usually be seated facing the door of entry , directly opposite the host .


  13. I realized immediately that I had seen him many times before , always in the same place , the seat directly opposite my own .


  14. From our perspective on the Earth 's surface we see two small bulges , one in the direction of the Moon and one directly opposite .


  15. Our location in the heart of midtown is directly opposite Madison Square Garden and Amtrak 's Penn Station .


  16. Baldy , standing almost directly opposite White Jerkin , stooped to study the characters written on his jerkin .


  17. Miss Middleton 's mother Carole will sit directly opposite the Queen , next to her husband Michael and her son James .


  18. The street-lantern , situated directly opposite , cast some light on the stairs , and thus effected some economy in illumination .


  19. The point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected .


  20. She followed him with the step of an old cat , and was able to observe him without being seen , through a crack in the door , which was directly opposite him .


  21. Seated directly opposite Queen Elizabeth II , was Ms. Markle 's mother , Doria Ragland , the descendant of slaves on plantations in the American Deep South .


  22. At Oxford , he wrote a pamphlet entitled " The Necessity of Atheism " that was sold in a bookshop directly opposite his college and led to his expulsion .


  23. Alternatively , if you are aiming for more of a romantic stay and fancy playing Romeo ( or being pampered as Juliet ), you could try the Church Street Townhouse , directly opposite where Shakespeare went to school .


  24. The experimental results show that the molecules ( methylene blue and thionine ) can bind to outside surface of PSAF shell directly . Opposite , PSAF can entrap and store these molecules as a covalent compound into its protein shell .


  25. He directly answers the opposite side 's question and then naturally switch to other point and attacks the opponents .
